Monday, 21 May 2018

Javascript form validation

Validation is the action of checking the accuracy of something or the action of making something legally acceptable.
In HTML, JavaScript (a client side scripting language) code must be inserted between <script> and </script> tags.We can place any number of scripts in an HTML document. Scripts can be placed in the <body> or in the <head> section of an HTML page or in both.
The <script> element either contains scripting statements, or it can point to an external script file through the src attribute. The script file has an extension of .js. The most common uses of JavaScript on a webpage are image manipulation, Javascript form validation, dynamic changes of content and so on.

To use the JavaScript Form Validation we select an HTML element, JavaScript very often use the document.getElementById(test) method which means find an HTML element with an id of test and change the element content .
 document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = "Hello JavaScript";  
Most often, the purpose of Javascript form validation is to ensure correct user input provided by the user. Server side validation is performed by a web server, after input has been sent to the server. Client side validation is performed by a web browser, before input is sent to a web server.
The client side form validation means checking a web form to make sure that all data entered by the user in different form fields are in correct form before the form is send to the web server. All the checking is performed in the web browser by JavaScript.
When it comes to validating form values, it can be done on the client-side (web browser) or on the server-side (using any server-side language like PHP, ASP.Net etc). In the past, client-side validation could only be achieved using JavaScript or using libraries from frameworks (jQuery validation plugin). If you want to learn how to use a Jquery Horizontal Accordion you can learn that from here.
Client-side validation is validation that occurs in the browser, before the data has been submitted to the server. JavaScript form validation is more user-friendly than server-side validation as it gives an instant response. The code for Javascript form validation example is as under which you can copy and paste it in your favourite HTML Editor and start the Javascript form validation.
 <!DOCTYPE html>  
 <html lang="en">  
      <meta charset="UTF-8">  
      <title>Validation using JavaScript</title>  
                background-color: orange;  
                height: 30px;  
      <form align="center" action="Validation.html" onsubmit="return check()">  
           <p><label for ="name">Name</label></p>  
           <p><input type="text" name="name" id="name"></p>  
           <p><label for ="address">Address</label></p>  
           <p><input type="text" name="address" id="address"></p>  
           <p><label for ="email">Email</label></p>  
           <p><input type="email" name="email" id="email"></p>  
           <p><input type="submit" value="Signup!"></p>  
           function check(){  
                var name=document.getElementById('name').value;  
                var address=document.getElementById('address').value;  
                var email=document.getElementById('email').value;  
                     alert("Name can not be left blank");  
                     return false;  
                else if (!address){  
                          alert("Address can not be left blank");  
                          return false;  
                else if(!email){  
                     alert ("Email can not be left blank");  
                     return false;  
The video of this tutorial is available on youtube and you can watch it right here.

JavaScript, Jquery


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